Monday, August 19, 2013

Cleaning a Ceiling Fan

My children received a remote control helicopter as a gift a few days ago.  In my mind, I saw it crashing into things, knocking pictures off the wall and shattering glass everywhere.  But I have to admit that Inventor Boy has actually become quite proficient with it (unlike Husband, who buzzed my head.  Twice.  No, I wasn't moving).  The main complaint from the fledgling pilots is that there are "too many air currents" in the house.  Pity, since this particular toy works with a light sensor and you can't fly it outside.  I'm beginning to wish it was an outside toy so I could be done with the mosquito-esque constant buzzing of the blades.

To reduce the supposedly horrible, hurricane-like air currents (what the rest of the world may call a light breeze from the ceiling fan and AC), they started turning off the ceiling fans when they fly.  So there I was, sitting in my big, comfy chair, having my cuppa, when they turned off the fan and started to fly.  That's when it started snowing.  In the house.  Into my tea.  All over the furniture.  When I looked up, I saw this:

You see, in Florida we have two seasons: Summer and Not Summer, sometimes also called Hurricane Season and Not Hurricane Season, or Rainy Season and Not Rainy Season.  Sometimes Not Summer can actually get pretty cold.  Temperatures down to 20 and 30F are not unheard of in the depths of Not Summer, but they generally only last for a couple of weeks or even a couple of days, and then we start the slow swing back to Summer.  This is a really long-winded way of telling you that our fans run roughly 80-90% of the year.  I never remember to clean them until they are turned off.

The good news is that my way of cleaning them is fairly simple.  I start by throwing on a bandanna over my hair to keep the dust off.  In my mind I look adorably vintage, but in reality it probably makes me look like a throw-back from the late 90's when hair bandannas were all the rage, or possibly a wannabe Stepford wife.

Anyway, I clean the bulk of the dust off the blades by using a long piece of flannel that is sewed shut on three sides.  OK, actually, it's the cut off leg of an old pair of flannel pajama pants that I sewed shut on one end and left the other end open.  I slip the open end over a fan blade, hold the material tight to the blade, and pull off.  Voila.  All of the dust--OK, most of the dust--is trapped inside the fabric.  Then I take it outside, turn inside out, and shake out the dust.  Repeat for the other blades and follow up with a rag.

Afterwards, I get the rest of the fan with an ostrich feather duster.  If you don't have an ostrich feather duster, seriously, get one.  They are awesome.  I've used both regular feather dusters and ostrich ones.  The ostrich dusters are so much bigger and fluffier and do a way better job.

So, when I was done, I had this:

Ta da!  And then I told Husband that I spent the time to clean the fan.  And told him again.  And again. Finally, I demanded he look at the fan to see what I had done and give me the accolades I deserve for, uh, cleaning the fan.  Yep, I'm that kind of crazy.  I demand my spouse to stare at the fan.

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